Completion Date: 05 May 2023
Implemented by: Community Initiative Society (CIS) in collaboration with MERCY Malaysia
In Bangladesh, more than 250,000 cleft lip patients are left without any form of treatment whatsoever. Poverty makes it impossible for most of the cleft patients to get any surgical help. Their deformed facial structure keeps them from attending schools or finding a job. These patients are unfortunately, always neglected; especially girls.
Research Programme DCH Trust is doing various research activities on Health, Arsenic and Occupational Health Safety in collaboration with local and international organizations or institutions like Harvard School of Public Health, HarvardUniversity, Oregon State University-USA, Boston Children Hospital -USA, South Australia University, Jadovpur University-India, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
DCH has established an Arsenic Treatment Unit in Dhaka, where the arsenic patients receive health support at free of cost. These include treatment, food, medicine, investigation and surgical interventions too. Now 300 serious patients are getting hospital treatments regularly. In addition, 16000 arsenic patients are getting support from the hospital OPD. To provide health support to the arsenic patients DCH has implemented the following programmes.