1. Sustainable Health Education Program to the arsenic affected vulnerable Communityof Bangladesh
Supported by MERCY, Malyasia
MERCY Malaysia and DCH has jointly established health education program to the arsenic affected vulnerable community of Bangladesh.
The Purposeof this project: To increase knowledge regarding water-sanitation-hygiene issues of the arsenic affected vulnerable community in order to reduce the morbidity rate of „ Diseases including water born & diarrhoea‟ through providing health education at the arsenic affected vulnerable community in the selected unions at Kabarikhola village of Pabna district
The project has implemented at Kabarikhola, Pabna, a village with 450 families anda total population of 2184. Kabarikhola is a village of union under district of Pabna (Rajshahi Division, Bangladesh).
Under this project, total numbers of beneficiaries were 900 (150 Families) at Kabarikhola village. The beneficiaries were Women, Children, poorest of the poor, poor, Old age villagers, community leader and school teacher
Objectivesof the projects:
To reduce water borne disease within the target areas
To promote adequate sanitation within the target areas
To increase knowledge of the target community on „Health-Water-Sanitation‟
To promote greater awareness on the prevention of „Diarrhoeal Diseases‟ within the target areas
To provide Hygiene kit support to the arsenic affected vulnerable community
Major Activitiesof this projects:
Develop IEC (Information, Education and Communication) materials
Training to the health educators and community organizers
Coordination Meeting with with Elected Public Representatives at union and ward Level
Community Mobilization (Meeting with Community at the village level, Beneficiaries Group formation and Committee formation)
Provide „Health and Hygiene Education‟ along Hygiene kit to the target community group by group
Follow up on the regular practices on „water-sanitation-hygiene‟ by the villagers
Monitoring, Supervision
2. Health & Hygiene Education SessionSupported
by MERCY, Malyasia
MERCY Malaysia and DCH has jointly established “Health & Hygiene Education Session” program to the arsenic affected vulnerable community of Bangladesh. Objectivesof this programwere:
To increase knowledge of the target communities on issues relating to health, water and sanitation
To promote greater awareness on the prevention of diarrhoeal diseases within the target areas
Major activities of this program were:
Training on following topics:
1.Hand-washing techniques
2.Rainwater use & maintenance (during raining season) including follow-up
3.Definition of diarrhoea; prevention of diarrhea
4.Preparation of saline at household level
5.Personal hygiene & skin diseases
6.Necessity and maintenance of safe and germ free water
7.Q&A / Feedback session
Hygiene kit items distribution
List of hygiene kit items distributed:
1. Bucket (20 litres)
2. Mug
3. Water pot
4. Toilet brush
5. Tooth brush
6. Tooth paste
7.Nail clipper
8. Soap
9. Soap case
10. Towel
11. Disinfectant (clotech)
12. Washing detergent
13. Oral rehydration salt
14. Water purification tablet
15. Hygiene kit bag
The program has implemented at Jadupur Community Clinic, Ratangonj, Mehedinagar, Raghurampur and Chandipur Pabna,Under this program, total numbers of beneficiaries were 36 families in Jadupur, 74 Families in Ratangonj, 60 families in Mehedinagar, 19 Families in Chandipur and 56 Families in Raghurampur; Total 244 Families
Total Session conducted on this program : 10 Sessions (2 in Jadupur, 2 in Ratangonj, 2 in Mehedinagar, 2 in Raghurampur and 2 in Chandipur)
3. Piped Water Supply System from River Sand Filter for Shushunda Village along with Health & Hygiene Education
Supported by Mercy-Malaysia
Dhaka Community Hospital (DCH) made a survey on Arsenic in 2001. About 99% tube-wells were found arsenic contaminated and about 150 arsenic patients were diagnose in Shushunda village.Afterthis DCH implemented some arsenic mitigation, patient management and awareness programme from its own fund and there were some government mitigation as well. But it was not sufficient and they had to manage by themselves. In February 2012 DCH did another survey and found majority of the tube-well are arsenic contaminated and huge number of patients are increased. Before implementation of RSF in Shushunda village there was no arsenic free safe water option. So DCH and Mercy Malaysia selected this village for installation of RSF.
Project Objectives:
To supply arsenic, chemical and bacteria free safe water to the community through piped water supply system of River Sand Filter at an affordable cost for drinking and cooking purposes in arsenic affected village.
4. Emergency medical response to cyclone SIDRaffected population in Bangladesh
Supported by: Mercy Malaysia(MM)
MERCY Malaysia and DCH has jointly established anemergency medical response to cyclone SIDR affected population in BangladeshThe project responsibilities include:Organized disaster response activities, Mobilize advance team immediately to the affected areas for assessment and logistic arrangement for subsequent disaster response team. Close collaboration with community which is prerequisite for smooth operation of disaster response activities, Ensure Involvement of local volunteers which is crucial in community based disaster response program.
5. WASH Project: Water, Sanitation & Hygiene: Galachipa upazila of Patuakhali District, Supported by: Mercy Malaysia
MERCY Malaysia and DCH hasjointly established a WASH project in Bangladesh based on the procedures of MERCY Malaysia in accordance with and compliance toit procedures and regulations. The project has identified as water Sanitation And hygiene (WASH Project) for Golachipa, Patuakhali district, for the Early Recovery Response of SIDAR CYCLONE in Bangladesh.The objectives of this project is to provide safe water and sanitation for cycloneaffected area urgently, as the health situation was deteriorate fast due to the lack of safe water and sanitation.
The major activities are included:
Pond cleaning,
Repairing of damaged Pond Sand Filter,
Repairing of damaged latrine,
Water testing Supply of aluminium pitchers to affected families,
Health & Hygiene education to affected community.
6. Post-cyclone medical assistance to affected vulnerablefamilies in selected areas in Bangladesh
Supported by CARE Bangladesh
CARE and DCH has jointlycollaboration this program to the issue of the SIRD affected vulnerable families in fifteen costal sub-districts (upazilla) in Bagerhat, Barguna and Patuakhali districts in Bangladesh through “Emergency Health Support project”. A strong planning and coordination team worked at the district and sub district level. The responsibilities of the team as follows: keep district and sub-district officials informed about DCH medical team operation in the area, keep local communities and journalists informed aboutthe DCH activites, participate in local disaster coordination meeting, communicate and coordinate with relevant stakeholders. The medical assisteance intervention was implemented in three phase based on the field needs and opinion of the CARE and DCH experts. DCH conducted a comprehensive needs assessment and implemented a pilot demonstration intervention for WASH activities in the affected areas. The number of medical camps and key inventions as follows:Medical assistance intervention : management ofinjury, infections diarrhea, pneumonia patients, provide pregnancy care, counceseling and health educations, psychological needs assessment and develop facilitators. WASH needs assessments and pilot intervention: mapping of water body and sanitation system in the affected areas, recommendations for immediate and long term safe water supply and sanitation system in the affected areas, implement a demonstration pilot WASH intervention in the affected areas.