Emergency Flash Flood Response 2024

CIS handed over Emergency food items for 10,000 flood affected people to the Chief Advisor’s Relief and Welfare Fund, facilitated by the Bangladesh Army.

Bangladesh has been experiencing widespread flooding since August 20, 2024, affecting over 5.4 million villages in the northeast, east, and southeast. This is due to weeks of persistently high rainfall that have flooded houses, destroyed resources, and resulted in 31 fatalities so far.

The Community Initiative Society (CIS) has been actively supporting the flood-affected communities since the beginning by giving the vulnerable community emergency food, non-food support, and health support. They will keep doing so till the situation improves.

On August 28, 2024, CIS contributed to the Chief Advisor’s Relief and Welfare Fund, run by the Bangladesh Army, 10,000 emergency food items that would be cooked later and distributed to the flood victims in vulnerable areas. Bangladesh Army Captain Anisur Rahman and CIS representatives were present during handover.

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