CIS developed Primary Health Care Centres in urban and rural areas of Bangladesh that provides primary care including child development, ANC and PNC, nutrition, education, and basic medical care. these centers are developed and managed by community representatives with support from Dhaka Community Hospital Trust. Emergency health response workshops have been developed with help of disaster risk reduction experts for capacity building of local government health workers, NGOs, private organisations and other stakeholders focusing on common health issues
during and after climate disasters. The rural healthcare centers are run by local community leaders as part of integrated healthcare programme. These consists of community health workers with a doctor in the lead. Families receive a card with small subscription fee for primary care (which includes preventive care service like child develop, ANC & PNC, Nutrition education basic medical
care). The objective is to develop the rural healthcare centers and build capacity for tertiary care and provide training for paramedics and undergraduate students. These centres are managed through support of Dhaka Community Trust Hospital. More than 75,000 people in Pabna, Rajshahi, Munshigonj, Comilla, Habiganj and Patuakhali are receiving direct benefit from this health
programme. Extensive healthcare programmes have been carried out in the refugee camps of Cox’s Bazar hosting forcefully displaced Myanmar nationals (known as Rohingya community) in collaboration with Dhaka Community Hospital Trust and with support of A-PAD, MERCY Malaysia and APAD-Korea. Activities in the camps include life-saving primary healthcare, ANC and PNC, nutrition, health awareness including COVID-19 prevention, mental health and psychological support.
Mosammad Rawshanara is a field-level health worker of the CIS working in Teghoria
Community Clinic in Habiganj Sadar upazila Since 2015. Her daily routine work includes visiting at least 20 households in the Union and provide doorstep healthcare service. She checks blood pressure, inquires about food habits, provides primary treatment, and promotes healthy and hygiene practices in the communities. One of her priority engagements is to provide doorstep
healthcare to pregnant women. She promotes birth control practices and gives advise on seeking doctor consultation to ailing patients.