CIS established community-based disaster risk management (DRM) centers in different districts to
provide disaster risk management training, coordinate emergency disaster response, provide
post-disaster support and formulate sustainable solution for identified problems and strategic plans to mitigate disaster risks. CIS has created 30 DRM centres across Bangladesh
to reduce, or avoid the potential losses from natural or man-made hazards, complex emergencies,
pandemic situations, to assure prompt and appropriate assistance to victims of disaster, and
achieve rapid and effective recovery.
These DRM centres also provide a wide spectrum of basic healthcare to vulnerable communities, EPI & FP programme, reproductive health, specialised care and care of the elderly. It is the most vital medical assistance required in the local communities and offer a broad range of services
and treat a wide spectrum of medical issues. DRM centres are acting as focal points of other
community development issues like health, water, education, sanitation, and community empowerment. It has been effective in raising COVID-19 response activities in the pandemic
situation like raising awareness and promoting hygiene standards among the poor and vulnerable